Welcome on board!
We sail from place to place and play as much as possible along the way. We combine sailing with mountain hiking, diving, surfing, skiing, festivals and a lot more.
SeilNorge is the country’s leading organizer of sailing trips, expeditions and sailing courses. In the trip calendar you will find all our sailing trips throughout Norway and the Arctic.
Summer Adventures – book now to get the best price!
Explore Arctic Norway by sailboat
Here is our full range of summer trips for 2025.
Sailing Lofoten south, Svolvær – BodøNOK 14.400
Best of Lofoten, across VestfjordenNOK 24.500
Hike & Sail, Lofoten – TromsøNOK 24.500
Best of LofotenNOK 24.500
On the wild side – Steigen and LofotenNOK 24.500
Sea & Mountain Sports WeekNOK 27.500
Ski & Sail
Access the best mountains to ski by sailboat!
Ski & Sail Expedition Festival, Svolvær – TromsøNOK 36.500
Ski & Sail Svalbard, 7 daysNOK 45.800 – NOK 51.300
Ski & Sail Svalbard, 9 daysNOK 58.750 – NOK 59.500
A little longer and a little rougher!
Iceland – Faroe Islands – ScotlandNOK 62.300
Svalbard – Greenland – IcelandNOK 79.900 – NOK 81.900
Scotland – Shetland – NorwayNOK 58.300
Latest news
Landets ledende arrangør av seilkurs, seilturer og ekspedisjoner
Vi seiler fra øy til fjell for å se, oppleve og lære. Vi leker oss i vinden, i vannet, på fjorden, i skjærgården og i høyden i fjellene. Vi kombinerer seiling med fjell- og toppturer, kajakkpadling, fiske, mat, festivaler, skikjøring, brevandring.
Vi er her for å svare på spørsmål!
Ta gjerne kontakt med oss på +47 41 29 79 00 hvis du har spørsmål eller ønsker å booke tur.
Latest from the blog
Adventurers with local knowledge
SeilNorge has extensive experience as a tour operator. With local knowledge and a unique network of places, people and destinations, we come close to the best of Northern Norway. Our skippers and crew have local knowledge, driven by passion and will give you real experiences.
Bit of a rookie?
You don’t need any sailing experience to sail with us – you will learn a lot along the way. Whether you have a lot of experience or little, we want to engage and challenge you as part of the crew.
Close to Lofoten by sailboat
Filmed by Tanner Noller, summer 2023
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Crew wanted!
Would you like to be part of building the most awesome tour company in Norway?
We are growing – and in the next few years we will go from being a small tourism player to becoming a player that defines the future of sustainable tourism. Not only Norway, but the whole world out there is waiting for us!:) We want you on this exciting voyage! The challenges are many, and we are not doing this because it is easy, but because it is difficult.