Livet om bord SeilNorge Foto Tobias Juul johnsen 09525

Contact us

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or just want to say hello:) You can reach us in many ways, you choose! Sometimes we answer your request from the deck of a sailboat, sometimes from our sailboat base at Ylvingen, and sometimes from our district office in Oslo.

Send us a message!

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    You can reach us here

    Our headquarters and sailboat base at Ylvingen, Helgeland

    Seil Norge AS
    Himmelblåveien 67
    8985 Ylvingen

    Our district office in Oslo

    We sit in an office community at Mesh in Oslo, feel free to stop by for coffee and a chat!

    c/o MESH
    Tordenskioldsgate 2
    0160 OSLO

    Our company and invoice address

    Seil Norge AS
    Himmelblåveien 67
    8985 Ylvingen
    Phone +47 41 29 79 00
    VAT: NO 995785773 MVA

    Invoice email:

    Banking details in Norway:
    IBAN: NO37 4516 3673 995 – SWIFT: HELGNO21
    Bank: Sparebank 1 Helgeland, Mo i Rana, Norway

    We’re here to answer your questions!

    Contact us by email or +47 41 29 79 00 if you have any questions or want to book a trip.