Our crew will gladly share their experiences, knowledge, and some good stories with you.

Jobbe i SeilNorge?

Med seilbåten som utgangspunkt har vi unik tilgang til verdens råeste natur og vi seiler innom våre favorittsteder og hemmelige plasser. Vårt øverste mål er at våre reisende; våre deltagere, gjester og kunder, reiser hjem med minner for livet.

RS 14 "Stavanger" heises på land

Johan J. Petersen


Meet Johan J. Petersen, the wind enthusiast with a knack for sailing wherever the breeze carries him! As a dedicated teacher, he imparts the skills and pure joy of sailing to both adults and youngsters. Johan’s adventurous spirit has taken him around the world, from tropical paradises to the icy realms of the Arctic and Antarctic. But he doesn’t stop at water; he tackles snow with ski sails and kites, and surfs the fjords with windsurfing and foil boards. Johan’s heart belongs to traditional sailboats and gaff rigs, and he captains a Colin Archer vessel with his family, turning every voyage into a happy adventure. Besides sailing, Johan has published two books about knots and about maritime life. If you’re seeking a mentor who makes every sailing journey with excitement and happiness, Johan J. Petersen is your go-to skipper!

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Bjørn Roar Pettersen


Meet Bjørn, a coastal native from Helgeland, with a degree in marine engineering and an active regatta sailor! Bjørn’s heart belongs to the sea and the great outdoors, and in addition he has several interests such as good wine and food. On our trips his goal is to make himself obsolete by empowering fellow sailors to gradually take charge of navigation and boat handling, allowing them to experience a sense of accomplishment within a safe and supportive environment.

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Audun Gjøstein

Skipper and Guide

Meet Audun, a passionate sailor and Svalbard enthusiast! By day, he’s a lawyer on the mainland, but his heart truly belongs to SeilNorge, where he shines as a skipper and expedition guide. Audun loves to sail and guide polar adventures north of Svalbard and as a seasoned Svalbard winter guide with over 20 years of Arctic wilderness experience, he’s a true Arctic expert. At home, Audun has had his own sailboat for over 30 years, juggling both regatta races and leisurely trips whenever he can. He’s not just a skilled sailor; he’s a jovial and sociable companion, always eager to share his wisdom and experiences with fellow sailors.

Audun Aasen

Audun Aasen


Audun is always ready to embark and explore new coastal adventures! By day, he commands a school ship, where he with contagious commitment gives young sea lovers’ passion for the ocean. Beyond sailing, Audun finds joy in exploring new places from the saddle of his bike. His safe and educational approach turns the SeilNorge trip into an enriching experience for all on board. With Audun at the helm, you will easily get in for educational sailing adventures!

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Jan Pfister Brunschwiler


Since childhood, Jan has been sailing around the archipelago off Kristiansand, in southern Norway. He inherited his sailing skills from his grandfather and father. In 2002, he bid farewell to his job in Switzerland and dedicated his career to maritime adventures. He stumbled upon “seaweed farming” and was captivated by the opportunity to work with the ocean while being part of the solution, not the problem. Jan’s journey is a testament to following your heart and making a positive impact on our precious seas.

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John Macken


Meet John, the skipper at SeilNorge, born on a grand island in the North Atlantic – Great Britain (in his own words!). John used to sail the Mediterranean, but he and his girlfriend made a move to Tromsø, settling aboard their sailboat. When he’s not cruising the open sea, you’ll likely spot him exploring the depths of the ocean, diving into its mysteries with a zest for underwater adventures! Whether on deck or beneath the waves, John’s passion for the sea knows no bounds.

Carl Gregusson

Carl Gregusson


Carl’s first sailing trip went from Gothenburg via Skagen to Stavern. During this journey, he experienced a marvelous black night with a star-filled sky stretching from horizon to horizon. He had always believed the mountains were magical, but the sea gave him an almost religious feeling. Since then, he has owned five sailboats and taken them on trips across the Skagerrak, to Svalbard, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Adriatic Sea. He loves the freedom and authenticity of sailing, where each action has direct consequences and there’s no undo button. Sailing is also an exercise in planning for the unexpected, and the joy of mastering challenges. He finds the best moment is when the boat picks up speed and all you hear is the water rippling along the hull. — Sailing with SailNorway feels like sailing with family. It makes me smarter, more humble, and fills my soul with joy. Living closely, working tightly, and sharing incredible moments—it’s no wonder you make friends for life. Plus, I get to tell the same tall tales over and over, embellishing a bit more each time. It’s simply fabulous, Carl says.

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Johannes Sand Bolstad

Administration, Skipper and Guide

Johannes is the skipper and also works with sales and booking. Johannes’ laughter is one of his trademarks, and his smile comes easily.

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Tina Borge Kvalsvik

Marketing Coordinator Social Media and Skipper

Tina is the marketing mackerel at SeilNorge. She shares the most fabulous posts on Facebook and Instagram, getting everyone in the wanderlust mood! In between her social media updates, she’s out there riding the waves with her surfboard. Tina also joins SeilNorge trips as a crew member- and one day she will move into her very own sailboat and sail around the world!

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Emil Casper Engebrigtsen

Founder, CEO and Skipper

Emil, the founder & Captain of SeilNorge. Emil grew up on a boat at sea, among the rocky shores of Tjøme, South of Norway, and in the beautiful summer light of Helgeland. Emil works hard at the office so he can spend most of his days where he enjoys it the most: on the Helgeland coast with a fleet of sailboats brimming with adventurous expedition participants! He brought the joy of demanding navigation through islets and reefs from the Navy, and as a skipper, he’s known for giving the crew plenty of challenges and responsibilities. Emil’s grandfather spent 55 seasons in Lofoten as a fisherman, and Emil is working on matching that record!

We're here to answer your questions!

Feel free to contact us +47 412 97 900 if you have any questions or want to book a trip.