Arctic Skipper Academy
Training program for our crew
Arctic Skipper Academy
Every year we conduct a comprehensive skipper training program for all new (and existing) crew through the program; Arctic Skipper Academy. Building trust and getting to know one another is crucial, and this training helps us build the level of expertise we aim for. The week-long program takes place in the northern regions, where, from dawn till dusk, the SeilNorge crew pushes their limits, fostering individual growth and strengthening team bonds to improve sailing skills.
Training program for crew
The Academy focuses on training, growth through constructive feedback, team building, and getting to know each other. For newcomers, there’s a special emphasis on understanding who SeilNorge is, our methods and culture.
Being a skipper in SeilNorge goes beyond sailing skills; personality and communication are equally, if not more important. To simulate a typical sailing adventure with clients, we practice various scenarios through role-plays.
We’ll cover and train on various topics, including bridge service and communication, leadership and the skipper’s role on board, team building, the role of host and guide, radio communication, weather and interpretation, mechanics, engine repair, and splicing of ropes and knots.
A team of top athletes
For many, this week is the highlight of the year, and we look forward to the opportunity to be together, with lots of fun, sacrifice some sleep, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and each other.
— I see the crew as a team of top athletes. We train together, give each other feedback, and get to know each other, the boats and the areas we sail in. We have to invest time and effort in each other to build a good team.
Operations manager and founder Emil Engebrigtsen
New and existing crew
The Arctic Skipper Academy gathers a mix of seasoned skippers and newcomers aspiring to join as crew or take ready to become a skipper straight away. Among the participants in the 2023 Academy were Mina Østby Dahl, 20, and Charlotte Bårtvedt Eriksen, 34, both new to the team.
— I saw an ad for crew openings on Instagram, says Mina, long shot I thought, but I’m trying, and here I am. The first day of the Academy was overwhelming, but really fun and exciting. I’ve dreamed of this for a long time, so this was a big milestone, she says. Mina has previously sailed on the school ship “Sørlandet”.
Charlotte has previously participated in three trips as a guest of SeilNorge. — On the last trip I took on a little extra responsibility, and got to know the skipper who asked if I wanted to join the Academy. And now I’ve joined SeilNorge-family, says Charlotte with a smile. — And I hope for more trips along the Norwegian coast!
Submit the application form and we hope to see you at the Skipper Academy!

This is SeilNorge
Our story began in 2008, when founder Emil Engebrigtsen took his friends on a sailing trip on the Helgeland coast. They quickly agreed that the unique nature and culture was something they wanted to share with more people from all over the world. We combine sailing with exciting experiences on land. Our hub is Helgeland, but we also sail to Svalbard and Greenland, among other places.