Vikingtoktet 2025 – Island – Færøyene – Skottland
Vikingtoktet 2025
This departure is fully booked. You can register for the waitlist, and we will let you know if we are able to make room for you.
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Kjære venner,
for snart 20 år siden heiste en gjeng håpefulle unge voksne seil på vikingskipet Artful Dodger. De satte kursen vestover. Verden lå foran våre føtter, kun den kåteste av oss hadde barn, og veien var åpen. Hvordan de neste årene skulle bli var det ingen som visste. Hva som ventet oss i vest var det heller ingen som visste, men vinden, havstrømmene, og godt sjømannskap brakte oss til Shetland, Orkenøyene og Skottland. Slag ble utkjempet underveis, men vi sloss ikke med stort annet enn bølgene, oss selv, og en og annen sau.
Fjærkre og ris
Maten om bord var det ingen ting å si på, den var tilberedt etter alle kunstens regler, men i møtet med Nordsjøens krefter og det eksistensielle alvoret om bord, ble spesielt skipets beholding av fjærkre og ris, til ufordøyd fiskemat. Men vi led ingen nød, vi hadde whisky og øl. Og vi tok vare på det viktigste vi hadde; hverandre.
Det ble et vellykket tokt; vi plyndret opplevelser, yppa til bråk og noen skotter ble nedlagt på vår vei. Vi skrev oss selv inn i vår egen historie og mest av alt blomstret kjærligheten mellom oss eksponensielt med utseilt distanse. Ikke alle ekte vikinger kommer trygt hjem, men det gjorde vi. Hjemme begynte det raskt å gå gjetord om våre oppdagelser, og på festene i hovedstaden ville alle nå sitte ved vårt bord og ta del i eventyret gjennom våre fortellinger.. Kjærligheten mellom mannskapet på Artful Dodger var beseglet for de neste dekader og toktets mål var oppnådd.
Livet tok oss med storm
Siden den gang har livet tatt oss med storm, vi har jobbet og slitt, nesten dødd av korona flere ganger, og vi har formert oss med mer enn ei i snitt. Småbarnsfasen har imidlertid satt sine spor og “hverdagen” bruker vi besynderlig nok ikke lenger som et rent skjelsord. Det går mye i hagearbeid, el-sykling, cirkling og yoga, og fleinsopp som vi tidligere brukte som et middel er nå blitt et mål i seg selv. Vikingformen som ropte i kroppen og var full av adrenalin, testosteron og endorfiner, er nå mer som et svunnet konsept, og kampformen som vi hadde før, er noe vi nå stort sett leser at andre har.
Det kan være heftig å runde 40. Særlig som mann. Vi skal være pappa, arbeidere, vellykkede, samboere, ektemenn, elskere, handy, til stede, i form, og også finne vår plass i samfunnet for de neste 40 åra. 41-42 er de årene med flest samlivsbrudd, det var gjennomsnittsalderen på Eidsvoll og gjennomsnittlig levealder i Norge i middelalderen. Unga begynner å bli store, og vi får tid til å tenke igjen. Det er liksom ikke lenger bare “plikten kaller”, men også “hva faen skjedde?” Knausgård skriver at det du ikke har fått til når du er 40 får du aldri til.. Går vi med på det? Ikke faen! Knausgård må få juling! Vi inviterer ham med og kaster ham til haiene midtfjords!
På tid å gå i viking igjen
Alt peker på at det er på tide å gå i viking igjen, at det er på tide med et nytt tokt. At det er på tide å erklære småbarnsfasen for over, og igjen ta grep og ansvar for vår egen oppdagelsesutvikling og historie. Det er på tide å ta en pause fra kjerringræva hjemme, og igjen heise seil sammen; røve, plyndre, sloss, spise, tulle og tøyse, og se hva faen som skjer.
Og det har kommet bud! Folkene på både Sagaøya Island, og de danske Færøyene, har sendt bud på oss i det siste; de trenger å bli vist hvor skapet skal stå, sier de. Og i Skotteland og Ireland ber de om assistanse i frigjøringskampen mot den britiske finanseliten. Etter brexit “holder de på å dø av kjedsomhet i en pøl av fishn’chips, blended whisky og ale”, skriver de, og de uttrykker skriftlig et voksende behov for nye norske bekjentskaper. Drømmen deres, skriver de, er norske moderne vikinger som kan gi dem norsk blod, norsk råskap og som kan utvide deres horisont av drikkeleker, dikt og sanger, men ikke minst trenger de et mer inspirerende kjøkken (mange har sluttet å spise). Men mest av alt ønsker disse stakkars folkene at vi kommer seilende på stolte seilfartøy som ikke bare utstråler maritim innovasjonskraft som de kan speile seg i, nei mest av alt ønsker de “romslige skip” som har plass for de av dem som vil være blindpassasjerer i neste kapittel av deres egen emigrasjonshistorie.
Hvor og hvem?!
Så hvor i huleste skal vi og når? Ikke helt tilfeldig er SeilNorge-flaggskipet Valiente fortsatt ledig i perioden 12-27 september neste år, etter at båten kommer tilbake til Island etter Grønlandsekspedisjon. Med andre ord starter Vikingtoktet 2025 i Reykjavik på Island 12. September. Fra vulkaner og varme kilder på Island seiler vi over til Færøyene og tilbringer flere dager der, på sykkel og til fots, før vi seiler videre sørover til Hebridene og whiskyøyene vest i Skottland. Vi avslutter turen i Oban og tar med oss alle stjålne øyeblikk, ærlig vunnede slaver og fortjent gull derfra, bruker det på forlystelser i Edinburgh, og kommer oss siste stykke hjem derfra med det som gjenstår.
I 2005 var vi 11 vikinger på tur, det var Julie, Kjerstin, Ylva, Øyvind W., Eivind, Jens, Jonas, Kris, Aron, Torp og meg. Dette legendariske mannskapet er selvskrevet for nytt tokt. Båten vi nå har til rådighet har imidlertid 16 sengeplasser, så vi har plass til flere eventyrere. Nymoderne vikinger som Even, Ingvil, Per-Steinhard, Fredrik, Jo, Bård, Helge, har også nå fått invitasjon. Så er det sikkert noen gravide blant oss som faller fra, og da er det andre som kan få sjansen. Morten til Nora, Jim-Børre og Trygve i nord er gode kandidater, og det er også mye bra vikingmateriale oppi Maridalen blant gjengen til Kris.
Velkommen med på Vikingtoktet 20 år etter, velkommen med på Vikingtoktet 2.0.
Pris og påmelding
Prisen er satt til 25 000,- per person og vi må være minimum 12 for å kunne ha den prisen. Prisen inkluderer mat som vi spiser om bord, men ikke på pub, restaurant og sånt. Andel av fangst, plyndring , smugling og salg av slaver og kjæledyr fordeles etter innsats per lugar i etterkant delt på styrbord og babord side, slik at vi alle går i pluss totalt sett.
For å kunne holde av båten til Vikingtokt 2.0 må vi sette påmeldingsfrist til 1. februar!
Men vi led ingen nød, vi hadde whisky og øl. Og vi tok vare på det viktigste vi hadde; hverandre.
Day 1: Welcome on board in Iceland!
We meet in the harbor of Isafjordur in Iceland at 12:00. We start by getting to know each other, before going through the plan for the week. We familiarize ourselves with the boat and equipment, and stow the boat with provisions and equipment. Life onboard an expedition requires cooperation, and before departure we go through routines and procedures for sailing and emergency situations. We are already setting off for our adventure this first evening!
Day 2-3: Along the volcanic and glaciated coast of Iceland
We spend the first sailing days along the northwest and west coast of Iceland, where we explore the inaccessible Westfjords and the unique landscape here. Continuing south we find some of Iceland’s most volcanically active areas, and the Snæfellsnes peninsula is a natural stop. With the towering Snæfellsjökull mountain at the tip of the peninsula. The national park around the mountain extends all the way from the shoreline up to the 1446 meter high glacial peak! If the weather permits and some of us wish, it may be possible to arrange a guided glacier hike up to the top of Snæfellsjökull.
Day 4-7: From Iceland to the Faroe Islands
Turning port along the south coast of Iceland, we pass the lonely lighthouse Pridrangar which stands completely by itself on top of a pinnacle in the middle of the sea. The lighthouse is located not far from the interesting entrance of Vestmannaeyjar, a charming island we will stop by. From here we head southeast towards the Faroe Islands! The crossing is around 370 nautical miles and will take about 3 days, depending on the wind. During the crossing we really get the feeling of the high seas, and we’ll experience the forces of nature and the wildlife! Maybe we will receive a visit from a whale or two, and the seabirds will make the journey with us. When we finally reach the coast of the Faroe Islands, we’ll find a good harbor, perhaps in the well-known traditional village of Saksun, or on the island of Vágar.
Day 8: Faroe Islands; coastal cliffs and waterfalls
In the north-western part of the Faroe Islands we find some of the most spectacular sights the archipelago has to offer. Here, the Atlantic Ocean has formed steep cliffs and pinnacles that plunge straight into the sea. We sail past the village Gásadalur with its world-famous waterfall, Múlafossur, and the formations Drangarnir and Tindholmur. Other nice stops are Vestmanna, with its famous bird mountains, and Midvagúr with the hike to Leitisvatn.
Day 9: Thorshavn
Before we sail further south, we will stop by the capital of the Faroe Islands, Thorshavn. This is a very charming city, which could easily be the backdrop for the latest Hollywood movie about Vikings. The old town is largely intact and features narrow streets between log houses with peat and grass on the roofs. The town is bustling with life, and we spend some time exploring what this historic city has to offer.
Day 10-11: From the Faroe Islands to the Hebrides
From the southern tip of the Faroes it’s about 170 nautical miles to the Hebrides on the northwest coast of Scotland. A significantly shorter crossing than the previous one, and it will take us one and a half to two days. We get another chance to connect with nature out on the ocean, without cell phone coverage, but maybe with playful dolphins on our bow!
Day 12-14: Whisky-sail around the west coast of Scotland
We spend the last days of the trip exploring the beautiful Hebrides. Here we sail between medieval castles and small villages with grassy hills and rocky shores as a backdrop. The Isle of Lewis and the Isle of Skye are among the places we will pass by. Here we find whisky distilleries everywhere, and we take time to sail by and have a taste.
Day 15: Bye for now in Mallaig
The expedition comes to an end as we dock in the harbor of Mallaig, a vibrant coastal town in Western Scotland. We arrive at Mallaig in time for us to pack, wash and tidy ourselves off the boat and muster off by 16.00. For the journey home, we recommend the picturesque train route The Jacobite Steam Train from Mallaig towards Glasgow and Edinburgh Which is famous as the train used in the Harry Potter films as the Hogwarts Express. Thank you for an adventurous voyage!
Changes to the program
The program should be seen as a starting point, which we adapt depending on weather and conditions underway. We reserve the right to constantly improve the program for the better. With us along the way, we always have dinghies for beach landings and small expeditions. We have fishing equipment for the cod, and hiking equipment for bonfires and summit climbs – we are ready for adventure, are you?!
What is included?
- A trip experience with sailboat – experienced skipper with local knowledge on board
- Co-skipper and crew/guide on board
- All food we eat on board during the trip
- Our Comfort Package, which consists of accommodation on board in a shared double cabin (bunk or double bed) with a ready-made bed (warm and nice duvets and pillows!)
- An environmentally friendly, local, sustainable, unique, exotic and exclusive Norwegian adventure holiday
- A shared experience and friendship with like-minded adventurers from around the world
- A lot of time outdoors – raw and honest nature experiences
- Use of our shared equipment if available: dinghies, kayaks, fishing equipment, etc.
- All boat-related costs such as diesel, propane and harbor fees
- Personal safety equipment; Helly Hansen inflatable lifejacket
- Survival suit and Search and Rescue (SAR) Insurance for everyone on board
- Instruction, advice, guidance and practical training in boating and sailing
What is not included?
- Travel to and from the start/end location
- Optional meals at a cafes/restaurants during the trip
- Entrance to galleries, museums, or other alternative activities that you/we may come up with
- Rental of equipment and/or activities from external operators, ex. kayak, glacier hiking or surfing where possible
- Drinks such as wine, beer or exclusive apple juice and other luxuries (yes, we drink beer and wine on board, bring your own)
- Travel insurance and/or cancellation insurance – (up to you, but recommended!)
Important info
Deposit and payment
You only pay a deposit (NOK 6000) upon registration, the remainder of the payment is due 60 days prior to departure.
Safety and risk on board
We are all about people, and so we also take safety very seriously. On our trips we practice sail- and boat handling also for safety, and we spend time going through various situations that can arise at sea, how to handle them and how to avoid them.
On board a boat everyone must know what to do in critical situations and in the event of an emergency. Our philosophy is that partaking and participation builds safety. It is important for the safety of the whole boat that you are a participant on board, not just a passenger.
Therefore all our trips are to be considered sailing courses in addition to being great holidays and adventures: You are trained to make up the crew on board and so we build a capable team on board.
Feel free to contact us for a chat about safety and risk on our adventures.
Level of the trip
No sailing experience? No problem! Our sailing adventures welcome both novices and seasoned sailors for an inclusive and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re new to sailing or a salty sea dog, our trips cater to all levels.
We aim to transform beginners into sailors quickly while offering experienced participants greater responsibilities and challenges. Our mainland sailing journeys involve 44-50 feet boats navigating coastal and protected waters, occasionally crossing open stretches for excitement. Route adjustments based on weather and conditions ensure a safe and adaptable voyage.
Trips are not overly strenuous; with rotating positions, participants can balance sailing and relaxation. Active engagement minimizes seasickness, and if it occurs, it passes swiftly. Weather, however, is unpredictable, with the potential for stronger winds and various conditions in northern Norway and the Arctic, making each trip a true sailing adventure. Be prepared for calm winds and rough weather—embracing the elements for an unforgettable experience.
What we expect from you
Our trips require a little effort from you who are joining – everyone on board must be ready to contribute and to give of themselves also socially; the more you open up, share and interest yourself in the others on board, the more enjoyable it gets.
When you’re sailing with us you are invited to take part in the running of the ship and all that comes with it. You will be sailing, docking, navigating, looking out for whales and icebergs, but also making food, serving others, doing dishes and helping clean the boat during the trip, and contributing in other ways when needed. On board we are all in the same boat and when all help out, the ship is most happy.
Our experience is that doing things together with others out in nature, and not least cooperating and doing activities with new people and different personalities than you might have around you normally, is what creates the best, most interesting and memorable moments and stories:)
Equipment and packing
As with all activities, there is plenty of special equipment and clothing for sailing. If you don’t have any of this, you will get very far with normal hiking/outdoor equipment. You do not need to buy a lot of new equipment to join our trips. Use what you have, borrow what you need from a friend, purchase used equipment, and if you have to invest in new equipment – buy quality items that will last! What you need is something waterproof and windproof on the outside, and layered warm clothing underneath.
Some jackets may not be waterproof “enough”, or might not perform too well in salt water, so you can consider a set of oilskin for the wettest days (available for rent or purchase on board). A pair of higher rubber boots for disembarking from the dinghy is very good to have, as well as indoor shoes below deck. Out at sea and in the Arctic it can be cold even in summer, so bring both swimwear and plenty of warm clothes. Well before departure, we will send you a detailed recommended packing list.
Read more and see our packing tips here:
PS: In a sailboat, you pack in a bag or sack, not in a rigid suitcase. 🙂
Food & cooking on board
On our trips, you will be part of the crew on board and get the chance to participate in all tasks for the operation of the boat. This includes cooking and preparing food – everyone take turns in the galley! Skippers and crew assist as much as they can along the way.
We have great menus with tasty, healthy and “boat-friendly” food, and for each trip we order provisions for all meals on board. If you have allergies or preferences, let us know in the registration form and we will take that into account as best as we can. You are also most welcome to bring any special food or drink with you. Why not bring some specialities from your country or region for the boat to enjoy?
During a weeklong trip we often sail by a good restaurant or two where we can have dinner on land. Some places we need to pre-book and we will then need to choose a menu before we arrive. More about all of this when you come on board!
Life on board & accommodation
Life on a sailboat is super social and fun, but it might feel a bit intimate at first. No worries though, that vibe usually fades after the first hour. Everyone chips in to run the boat, and we’re all part of the crew, which means quick bonding.
We’re keen to get to know you and hope you’ll connect with the rest of the crew. It takes some patience, generosity, and an open mind to thrive, but soon you’ll be focused on making new friends and enjoying raw nature experiences once sea life feels like home.
Sleeping arrangements in shared cabins with double or bunk beds can be a bit of a puzzle, but we’re pretty good at figuring it out. Let us know if you have preferences. You’re on your own for land accommodations before or after the trip.
The boat provides heating and good food, but fresh water isn’t always abundant. Water conservation means not showering every day, but when near freshwater sources, we make the most of it. But nothing beats a morning sea swim for that fresh feeling.
Safety and risk on our expeditions
As mentioned, we take safety very seriously. Even more so on our expeditions, as we then explore really remote waters and terrain, cross open oceans and sail into areas with additional risk factors such as sea ice or poor charts and uncharted waters. We deal with this by having an extra focus on the situations we may encounter among everyone on board, for each expedition. We sail in these remote areas only in the most optimal seasons; and we use larger and very solid boats for our expeditions. Which are both equipped and sized to cope with this type of expedition trips and waters very well.
We are absolutely certain that sailing is the safest and most accessible way to visit these very inaccessible places we go on our expeditions. However, all sailing in general, and particularly sailing in arctic regions and over open seas, involves a certain risk that you must be aware of when joining.
Level of the expedition
Some have their first sailing experience ever, joining us on an ocean crossing! Please note that our expeditions require a certain physical health and mobility level.
The boats we sail on our expeditions are larger, robust and sit well in the sea. On our sailing expeditions we both sail in more coastal, sheltered waters, and cross open stretches of waters. On some of our expeditions even ocean crossings over several days at sea. An incredibly wonderful and special experience!
Weather dictates our journey, and we adapt each expedition’s program accordingly, often allowing extra days for flexibility in assessing and choosing optimal weather windows. Despite planning and preparations, we can’t control the weather, so be prepared for various conditions. The proximity to nature’s forces on such expeditions is a rare and rewarding experience.
On expeditions, we sail with many participants, forming watch teams for a solid on board team spirit. Rotating watches around the clock ensures active involvement without overwhelming fatigue.
As everyone participates actively during the week or more on board, seasickness is rare. If you anticipate seasickness, consider bringing remedies, such as seasickness plasters, often effective for longer expeditions. Consult your doctor for advice on seasickness and any necessary medications. Feel free to ask us about seasickness as well.