Our crew will gladly share their experiences, knowledge, and some good stories with you.

Jobbe i SeilNorge?

Med seilbåten som utgangspunkt har vi unik tilgang til verdens råeste natur og vi seiler innom våre favorittsteder og hemmelige plasser. Vårt øverste mål er at våre reisende; våre deltagere, gjester og kunder, reiser hjem med minner for livet.

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Karl Ruben Gaasø


Karl Ruben is a handy-man and captain of our sailing adventures. Karl is as cool as a cucumber. So calm that you’d almost think he doesn’t notice when the wind whizzes by, but he absolutely does! He’s got the boats under his thumb, and as a skipper, he’s the steady hand that even the most sea-fearing folks can trust to relax.

Morten Ebbell Hestnes, skipper SeilNorge

Morten Ebbell Hestnes


Great instructor – you will learn to sail from Morten.
Morten comforts the seasick and challenges the pirates to sea battles. As a high school teacher, he lives by the principle “everyone should join”, and those who haven’t learned to sail after a week with Morten have only themselves to thank. For Morten, there is pride in completing an entire trip without the use of an engine, a principle he has followed on trips in northern Norway, Croatia and the Caribbean.

Øyvind Grøslie Wennesland, skipper SeilNorge

Øyvind Grøslie Wennesland


Allergic to seafood, but loves the sea. Øyvind is one of SeilNorge’s founders, and travels north and out to sea as often as he can. Øyvind learned to sail from a sane southerner, and as a skipper, Øyvind is more concerned that everyone should have a try, than to get to port first – and he is the most patient of all the skippers. His only vice is that he is allergic to everything that lives in the sea, which often creates slightly comical situations during dinner on a sailing trip!

Giselle Fransen

Giselle Fransen


What started as a brief backpacking adventure to Norway and a break from veterinary studies turned into falling in love with sailing and SeilNorge! She lends a hand on the boats wherever and whenever needed. Giselle enjoys creating unforgettable shared memories, exploring together, getting to know one another, and learning from each other. And that’s precisely what we do on SeilNorge trips! Let’s make some waves and memories together!

Tom Richard

Tom Richard Rasmussen


Tom Richard has been active on the water his entire life and boasts a wealth of experience in both motor and sailboats. He’s a year-round sailor who’s in his element when the engine is off and the sails are up. Tom Richard works as a professional instructor for various boat and sailing courses and certifications. He’s always thrilled when the boat is filled with eager guests and participants. As a welcoming skipper, he delights in sharing his knowledge. Tom Richard is an experienced, steady, and reliable captain who looks out for everyone and handles things with calm authority on board. He’s had his own boats over 45 feet for many years, used for courses and charter operations, and in recent years, he’s had a Bavaria 50 Cruiser, the same boat type we use on SeilNorge trips.

Motto: “The one who has both feet on the ground stays still!”

We're here to answer your questions!

Feel free to contact us +47 412 97 900 if you have any questions or want to book a trip.